HorseHaus Blog

Help Your Horse During Shedding Time

Help Your Horse During Shedding Time

For many of in the US, spring marks the beginning of a season not listed in any calendar: HORSE SHEDDING SEASON! 'Tis the season of leaving the Chap-Stick at home...

5 Things to Know about Shedding Time

5 Things to Know about Shedding Time

It's Shedding Time! What's there to Know? Twice every year your horse changes his coat—from thin summer coat to thick winter coat and vice versa. In the spring, our horses...

How to Groom Your Horse to Shine - in 4 easy steps!

How to Groom Your Horse to Shine - in 4 easy steps!

Do you wonder how to groom your horse more efficiently? Would you like to groom your horse to shine? Do you want to know how to make your horse like being...

How to Clean Horse Brushes

How to Clean Horse Brushes

How do I clean my horse brushes? Now that you have purchased the best quality horse grooming brushes on the market, you may wonder how to properly clean your horse...

Quick & Dirty Horse Brush Cleaning!

Quick & Dirty Horse Brush Cleaning!

How to Clean Your Horse Brushes - Quick & Easy! Dirty brushes cannot clean a dirty horse. At the same time, washing your high-quality horse brushes too much, can wear...

Can Grey and White Horses Shine?

Can Grey and White Horses Shine?

A shiny white horse - only in our dreams? A shiny coat – (almost) every horse owner dreams of a shiny coat. Whether we look at old paintings or photographs,...

How To Groom Your Horse In A Hurry

How To Groom Your Horse In A Hurry

Have you ever had a time-management challenge, got to the barn late for an appointment, show or event and found your horse looking like a mud-cake? Did you ever have...

Are You Hurting or Helping Your Horse's Mane & Tail?

Are You Hurting or Helping Your Horse's Mane & Tail?

Your horse's mane and tail: Your pride & joy!  All horses come naturally endowed with manes and tails of varying fullness. Just like in humans, there are differences in thickness...