5 Ways to Practice Gratitude

5 Ways to Practice Gratitude

...In the Barn & Beyond

Gratitude. It's been quite a few years that this powerful concept - thousands of years in the making - has moved into the spotlight of our consciousness. From Oprah & Dr. Oz to gratitude journals (I love the Tiny Buddha's Gratitude Journal: Questions, Prompts, and Coloring Pages for a Brighter, Happier Life), gratitude rocks, and jars - you name it, it's there!

Gratitude - A Deep Human Need

From Stone Age to Rocket Age, humans have been practicing collective and individual gratitude (e.g. Thanksgiving Holiday, Thank You cards, Prayers and Offerings, etc.) and there is good reason for it: Gratitude is Good Medicine!

Gratitude is Good Medicine

Have you ever felt warm around the heart when expressing gratitude to someone? Then you did it right! That's the kind of heart-felt gratitude that feels good to you when expressing it and to the receiver - whether human or not...

No Lip Service, please!

In our brain-centered, head-heavy world, we tend to rationalize, organize, streamline, multi-task - all brain-based 'surface modes' that do not get to the core of feelings. To express gratitude so that YOU & the RECEIVER FEELS IT, please let it come from the heart.

Let it come from the heart!

Try this exercise at home:
  1. Stand in front of a mirror (or talk to your dog or an imaginary friend ;-) and say "Thank you for ." How do you feel?
  2. Now let's try that again: Feel you heart area. Really direct your consciousness to this area. Then imagine, you heart had lips. Relax you shoulder, soften you gaze, smile a little and say (with your heart lips) "Thank you for ." How was that?
  3. In step 3, you 'lip synch' with your heart. If you do it right, you will feel your heart area and other parts of you body - perhaps your hands - warm and feel pleasant. This is the kind of FEELING you want to convey when expressing gratitude.

5 Ways to Show Gratitude in the Barn & Beyond

  1. Simply say 'Thank you for <...>' whenever you feel there is something to be grateful for. Example: I say "Thank you for providing such caring help to Regalo." to my helper and friend Bettie - either in person or even via text! Important: You must look the person in the eye (when in person), smile, and 'lip synch' with your heart. Then it's a real gift!
  2. Leave a little note. That can be a sticky note with a smiley! Example: I have a little book that my dog walker and I use to communicate. I draw little smileys next to my thank yous and often say "I really appreciate that you....". Find opportunities to express your thanks to others with little notes they find in unexpected places.
  3. Share a little. Baking something? Got a little too much of something? You certainly have experienced an overabundance of something. Instead of putting it in the freezer or the cupboard, why not attach a little ribbon and a thank you note and express gratitude by sharing. You can find plenty of opportunity! Example: When I buy a big bag of Forage First horse treats, I put a few in a little bag and leave it for a helpful barn friend's horse with a little thank you note.
  4. Picture that! You may have a smartphone or a phone that takes pictures. These can be easily shared. Taking a picture of something someone else loves or has helped you with and sending it to them with a 'Thank You' is a great way to show gratitude. Example: Take a picture of your friend's horse ("Thank you for <...>. I saw your horse in the pasture and thought you'd like to this picture.")
  5. Book it! Accidentally bought the same horse book twice? You may have done this before, if you are like many horse people on a horse book buying binge... This book will be someone else's treasure! Write your heartfelt thanks into the cover and give it to or leave it for your helpful barn friend.

You got this!

These are just some ideas. You know best who to thank and how to do it. Practice is key! Here some tips:
  • Practice heartfelt thank yous at home - you may be in 'brain mode' and give 'lip service' without realizing it!
  • Grow your gratitude vocabulary - create a little collection of terms and phrases that express your gratitude. Write them on a card or in a journal. Soon, they will be anchored in your gratitude tool box!
  • Say less - mean more! A simple heart-felt 'Thank You' is better than a stream of words that come from the 'head'.
  • Be grateful! For everything. Food, air, your old paddock boots, a cup of Joe, fair weather, YOUR HORSE!
Hope you find this helpful. Please share this article, if you do! THANK YOU for reading this far. Enjoy your horse!

Stefanie Reinhold